Amazing Color Photos Document Everyday Life of an American Family in the Mid-1950s _ us


Back when life was simple, a color slide collection from ennailuj shows daily life of an American family in the mid-1950s.

"My husband's grandfather took a lot of photos, mostly slides. The photos were for the most part taken in Nebraska and California, with a smaller number taken on Whidbey Island in Washington and in Bemidji, Minnesota."

S, H & C by trailer


Mother and son


Father and son


Newborn S, C & H inside trailer


Mother, son, and cake


Father, son, and cake


Mother and son


Happy family


Family portrait


Look Ma, I'm on TV!




4 generations


Birthday cake


Carole & Ann in red kitchen




Family gathering in Bemidji, Minnesota at the picnic


Frank goes fishing


Grandson and grandfather


Great grandma Mimi is in the chair, Grandpa George is in the center. Glam-Mom, Carole (aka Gigi) is holding my husband. The other little boy is my brother in law


Frank,Sr & fish


George with fish


George, Kay and Roy. Kay and Roy were twins.


Grandma Kay and two women


H & C dressed up


H & C with hat and fish


Kay and Frank, Sr. on the sofa


Knotty pine kitchen


On the sofa, eating saltines




S & friend


S and Great Grandma Meme


Son and father


The cool kitchen


Two boys in highchairs


Young couple


Unknown Woman and Grandma Kay


Two couples. Taken at Grandma Kay's house, 2518 Worthington, Lincoln, Nebraska